Vandalism at the gun range is an on-going concern to the members of the Vermilion Gun Club. All range construction and maintenance is done by volunteers which helps to keep the maintenance costs down and range memberships affordable for all. Examples of past incidents of vandalism and damage to range property are shown below.
The damage to club targets are generally done by members who shoot at the targets with the wrong calibre firearm. Targets that are designed for handguns or rimfire calibres do not stand up when shot at with centerfire rifles. Besides making holes or dents in the targets this type of damage creates a dangerous situation as the rough edges on the target can now cause ricochets that can come back towards shooters on the firing line. This then becomes a serious safety issue. Please follow the range rules with regards to what are approved targets for different calibres.
Recently the Signage that identifies the Target Berm Yardages have been targeted by VGC range users. A new sign was installed on the 25 yard target berm and within the time span of three to four days the new sign was again targeted and shot up. The new sign was placed well to the left of the main target area and is not backed by a berm thus making it an unsafe target. Signage identifying the yardage of the various target berms are not to be considered approved targets and should never be used as a target. Since the new sign was hit multiple times it can not be considered an accidental hit and thus is considered as a willful act of vandalism. This deliberate targeting of yardage signs has been on going and must cease. Not only is there a direct cost to the club to replace all signage there is also a very real possibility of the gun range being closed upon a CFO inspection as all rounds being placed downrange must be contained within the target berm perimeters.
The Board of Directors of the Vermilion Gun Club would like to remind all members and their guests that this type of behavior and lack of respect for VGC property will not be tolerated. Any VGC member found to have committed an act of vandalism that damages or destroys VGC property will have their VGC membership permanently revoked. If a guest of a member commits an act of vandalism similar to those described will cause the hosting member to have his or her membership permanently revoked.
The VGC would like to point out to all VGC members that you as a hosting member are responsible for the actions of any guests that you bring to the Vermilion Gun Club Range and facilities. Failure to properly supervise or instruct your guests on VGC rules and safety protocols will not be tolerated. Failure as a member to follow posted range signage and range safety rules will not be tolerated.
If you witness any examples of someone damaging targets, target backstops, range facilities or any form of vandalism please report it to any of the Vermilion Gun Club officers. Contact names are posted on the Range Rules sign at the range or here on the website.
We need your help to keep the Vermilion Gun Club range viable and a safe place to shoot.
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